Press Registration
Pre-registration Method
Please register via the following application screen. Please fill in required items and upload the documents. A confirmation e-mail will be sent automatically.
If you have press credentials
- Copy of press credentials (employee ID card)
If you do not have press credentials
- Copies of two bylined articles (in case of print media) or
- Copy of ID indicating professional membership
Pre-registration Deadline
The deadline for preliminary press registration is April 15 (Tue.), 2025.
After Reporting
If you published an article in a newspaper, magazine, etc. after the end of the Congress, please send it to the Secretariat. Thank you for your cooperation!
Contact for Inquiries and Sending Media Publications
The IFFS World Congress 2025 Secretariat
c/o Convention Linkage, Inc.
2 Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0075, Japan
Tel: (03)3263-8695 Fax: (03)3263-8693